As the Public Transport Council (PTC), we regulate public transport fares and ticket payment services. Established in 1987 under the Public Transport Council Act (Cap 259B), we operate within the ambit of the Public Transport Council Act and in accordance with overarching public transport policies.

We strive to bring about a quality and affordable public transport system for the people of Singapore. We also work closely with the public transport industry players and public agencies like the Land Transport Authority (LTA).

Key Function and Objectives

Our key statutory powers include:

  • Regulating bus and train fares and fare structure of P2P services (taxi fare has been deregulated since 1 September 1998);
  • Promoting and facilitating the integration of bus and train fares for efficient public passenger transport services and facilities;
  • Exercising licensing and regulatory functions in respect of the provision of ticket payment services for buses and trains in Singapore;
  • Regulating penalty fees to deter fare evasion;
  • Undertaking surveys or other arrangements to gather public feedback on any matter relating to bus, train, street-hail and ride-hail services in Singapore; and 
  • Evaluating and recommending improvements related to public transport matters to the Government.

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